Thursday, June 23, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday!

Ever watched a movie that leaves you wondering "what the hell did I just watch???"  That's what I"m doing right now.  I'm watching Sucker Punch.  So far, I'm loving it, but at the same time I'm super confused.  What I'm getting is that there is a high roller burlesque whore house disguised as a mental institution/orphanage.  See why I'm confused??  The music is pretty kickass.  Gonna have to get me some of it to dance around in my underwear to.  Or maybe put on my own little show.  Ooo!  A belly dance routine to some of this would be awesome.  That reminds me, I need to get my new shimmy belt out of the car.  Yes I dance occasionally.  Ooo!  There's Spock!  Omg this movie is a nerd's wet dream just like we thought it would be!

I'll get back to the movie later, for now I'll tell you what I'm loving today.

My air conditioning!  Our air conditioner at work went out yesterday.  Oklahoma has had some triple digit weather the last few days, so today was miserable.  I was working in a lab coat while it was 81 degrees with no air movement.  It was fixed late this afternoon but it didn't cool off all that much before I went home.  It was soooo nice to get home and nap in the coolness of my living room.

My new disc golf bag that came in the mail yesterday!  I figure I have acquired enough discs to need my own bag, plus Matt is getting too many to keep all of our discs in one bag.
Yep, my bag is pink!  I was super excited when I saw that you can get pink ones.  Plus they claim to have tested it with howler monkeys so hopefully this thing can stand up to the abuse I tend to put any type of bags through.

My lovely lil crochet flowers that I won over at Fairly Fabulous and her birthday extravaganza.  I have worn the pink one all week!  Everyone keeps asking me where I got it at (Something Diane Made to be exact).  I'm gonna have to find the site for the etsy shop so I can get that girl some more business!

And finally, I'm totally loving The Sarcasm Goddess!  Not that this is anything new, but I feel I should share this little tidbit with the world.  She is definitely tone of the highlights of my days here lately.  I've been needing a break from my own chaotic life, and she has delivered time and time again.  When I shared my hairwrenching story of getting my nipples pierced, she freaked out with me like she was there and made sure that I still have feeling in them.  What more could you ask from a great new friend?!?!  I mean really, it means a lot when someone cares about the *ahem* little things.

So that's what I'm loving today.

Back to this trip of a movie now.  Okay, so we figured out Spock is not really Spock, just a lookalike.  The boys are basically kiddos in a candystore with this one.  "Mechanical Nazi zombies and hot girls kicking ass?  Hell yeah!"  I'm basically a lil hormonal teenage girl "Mechanical zombie Nazis and girls kicking ass who happen to be smokin?"  Haha, it's a win win tonight.  I wanna see this girl dance though.  Apparently it's mesmerizing or so we're led to believe.

You should check this one out for sure!

Hope yall have a good night.


1 comment:

♥ Nadine said...

Haha, that's a really good way of summing up Sucker Punch, I guess. :)
And I love that pink disc, so neat...

Btw, are you interested in doing a postcard swap? Let me know... :)

Have a happy weekend.
And thanks for stopping by.
Lots of love. XOXO.