Monday, November 28, 2011

Two Days

Two days... 

Two days until they cut into Meme's head...

Two days until they cut into Meme's head and roto-rooter her main artery...

I was finally given a date for Meme's surgery: Tuesday.  I'm more nervous than she is, I think.  I'm not entirely sure how to deal with the thought of this. 

A lil background...

Meme is my paternal grandmother, and the only grandparent I have left.  When I was younger, I spent the majority of my summers in Tulsa at her house.  We'd go swimming, shopping, camping, watch movies, cook, read, take walks, and just sit and talk.

She basically raised my brother and I for half of our childhood.  I don't know what I would do if I lost her.  Not now.

A little over two years ago, my mother's uncle died.  He treated my brother and I like we were grandchildren.  He was, in fact, the only grandfather we really knew on that side of the family.  It was very sudden.  One month we were told he had to have a mucus ball removed from his lung, and not much later we were visiting him in the hospital as he was dying of lung cancer.  It took until the following July for his daughters to start going through the house.  I ended up with many of his wife's elephants that she has spent her life collecting from around the world.  Granny Barb had died several years before that from the same type of lung cancer.

I say all this to explain why I wouldn't be able to handle a bad outcome.  I only just recently found out about her issues, so I still haven't quite gotten over the initial shock.  She means the world to me.  I'd lose it if I lost her.

Bubba and Meme

Prayers, thoughts, good juju, whatever you do and believe in would be much appreciated.


Thursday, November 17, 2011

My bad you guys...

It has been a really difficult few months for me.  First, I started living on my own for the first time ever.  Taking care of myself and two pups is challenging but I like it.  My neighbors are for the most part all really nice.  I just wish some of them wouldn't party until 6 in the morning on random nights of the week.  The pups like it.

Unfortunately now I have to deal with the fact that my Meme is going to have brain surgery soon.  If I wasn't alone so much, it wouldn't really be that difficult, but I've never had to deal with big things like that on my own.  Apparently my parents have known that she hasn't been doing well for awhile.  The main artery in her brain is blocked and causing her to have blackouts.  I've been told the surgery is fairly routine, at least when it comes to brain surgery.  I'm still in a little bit of shock.  Sadly, I've been somewhat drinking my worries away lately.  I'm in good company so I haven't been going completely crazy, but I know it's not how I should be dealing. 

I have a few stories for you guys, but I thought I would just give you this quick update before I leave town to go see my Meme.  I think I may end up having to create an anonymous blog for those stories though.  If I do, I'll email the link to those that are interested.

After this weekend, I'm going to start that feature I mentioned months ago: random things around the metro area.  Not sure what I'm going to call it yet, but I have saved up enough pictures that it should last awhile.

Hope everyone is having a happy fall.


Saturday, November 5, 2011


Oklahoma is known to have some crazy ass weather.  Tornadoes in the spring, droughts and extreme heat in the summer, pre-winter blizzards, ice storms in January, crazy blizzards after winter... Even a hurricane-like hail storm a few months ago.

Now?  We have decent sized earthquakes.  5.6 magnitude to be exact; the strongest in the state's history according to the Oklahoma Facebook page.  We have apparently had 9 so far today.

I have officially now survived 2 earthquakes (at least 2 that I have felt) and countless tornadoes/ice storms/floods.